Our aesthetic temporary restorations are compatible with our aesthetic final restoration solutions, enabling clinicians to keep the shape and aesthetics of the gum during the final treatment. The different gingiva range between 2 to 4 mm are used in combination with different angles – 15⁰ & 25⁰, allowing us to solve different cases, precisely and quickly.
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Our aesthetic temporary restorations are compatible with our aesthetic final restoration solutions, enabling clinicians to keep the shape and aesthetics of the gum during the final treatment. The different gingiva range between 2 to 4 mm are used in combination with different angles – 15⁰ & 25⁰, allowing us to solve different cases, precisely and quickly.
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Our aesthetic temporary restorations are compatible with our aesthetic final restoration solutions, enabling clinicians to keep the shape and aesthetics of the gum during the final treatment. The different gingiva range between 2 to 4 mm are used in combination with different angles – 15⁰ & 25⁰, allowing us to solve different cases, precisely and quickly.